Sunday, November 22, 2009


From Misty – Dateline November 22, 2009. “A few chapters earlier I told you how my mother had gone out in the evening to hunt mice for us. Our systems are built to eat raw meat to keep our bones strong and healthy and nourish each cell of our bodies. One night she did not return. The coyotes have been howling these fall days and the hunter must have become the hunted.

Another mother cat at the Ranch had two kittens of her own younger than me. She took me in, kept me warm and fed me. Someone in Kamloops wanted these two kittens now at a good age to leave home. Ranch Mum thought my sisters would almost be through nursing and wanted them to have this nice home for the coming winter. My Foster Mom still had milk for me and would be more comfortable if I could come back to nurse her for a little while. Ranch Mum called Mum-mum and they talked about it. If Mum-mum found me almost too fast and frisky to handle, would she like Ranch Mum to come and get me and take me back to the Ranch and it would help solve this challenge. Mum-mum thought that it was a good idea. I think Mum-mum did not like the new filing system I had set up for her and was already restoring her old system back. It had worried her when she found me eating the leaves of her spider plant so she had called the poison control center about it. They looked it up their book and said that spider plant leaves were safe for cats.

So now I am back at the Ranch. After a week away we knew each other right away and licked each other as cat mothers do together with their kittens. She will likely soon find a mouse around here and we’ll have a treat together. I licked my paws and body as I do after eating and paused to reflect on the wonderful vacation I had in Vernon with Mum-mum but was glad to be home at the Ranch.”

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