Saturday, October 31, 2009


My niece sometimes brings a small gift for me, a little inspirational booklet called “Our Daily Bread.” There is usually a story that that is intended as spiritual food to meet the challenges for that particular day. The one for yesterday was called “Be a Stander,” and tells about a western novelist Stephen Bly who says that in the days of America’s Old West there were two types of friends (and horses): runners and standers. At the first sign of trouble the runner would bolt – abandoning you to whatever peril you were facing. But a stander would stick with you no matter what the circumstances. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t know which kind of friend you had until trouble came and then it was too late – unless your friend was a stander.

Rather than being concerned with what kind of friends we have, however, we ought to consider what kind of friends we are. In the final days of the Biblical Paul’s ministry, as he awaited death, some who had ministered with him turned into runners and abandoned him to face execution alone. In his last letter, Paul told about a former associate, Demas, who had run off, then simply stated in his letter to another friend Timothy, “Only Luke is with me.” Luke was a stander. While undoubtedly disappointed by those who had deserted him, Paul must have been deeply comforted to know he was not alone.

Bill Crowder concludes this incident by reminding the reader of a verse in the book of Proverbs that says “a friend loves at all times.” He exhorts us to consider what kind of a friend we would be in such circumstances – a runner or a stander and observes “A true friend stands with us in times of trial.”

Friday, October 30, 2009


After graduating from Atlantic University with a master’s degree as well as the Brennan school of Healing, Elaine Hruska is able to clarify many aspects of healings that resulted from the study of the Edgar Cayce material. Her approach to the Cayce-based healing presents powerful techniques that can be applied for recovering from many states of ill health that leads to healing.

Casual investigators of the Cayce material are impressed with its emphasis on the close relationship between body, mind and spirit. All aspects of healing blend together with the solid support of scientific research. Some non-physical conditions can make the body susceptible to illness. It is important to observe what the body tells through symptoms no matter how minor.

The role of the mind in the healing response to restoring the body’s health includes the attitude of the patient that is important in the healing process. Along with a revealing examination of the forces of healing and a variety of treatment modalities include osteopathy, which the Cayce material claims to be “so near in accord with nature’s measures.” The healing process includes diet, exercise, and packs with the mental and spiritual topics that add to the entire process.

For more information phone 1-800-428-1512.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Breathing exercises and listening to music have been found to have significant effects on bodily functions. Recently the two modalities have been combined to create a healing effect on blood pressure.

In this study, conducted in Italy and presented at the recent convention of the American Society of Hypertension, adults with hypertension were trained in slow rhythmic breathing, with one long count for inhalation and two long counts for exhalation. The participants then practiced this slow breathing method while listening to music. They were able to select the music from classical, Celtic, and Indian genres that all had regular rhythm.

The participants then practiced this approach 30 minutes a day for three months. Afterwards, their ambulatory blood pressure was evaluated and compared to a matched control group. The results indicated that the systolic pressure for the treated group was significantly lower than when they started and significantly lower than the control group. These differences were observable after only one month of practice.

A friend tells me that she and her husband attended a class in what was called “belly breathing,” when he was trying to avoid having to go on oxygen. It seems that the two long counts for exhalation helps to get rid of the old stale air that remains in the lungs.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


According to research conducted at the Ohio State University and reported in “The Guardian,” research with rats gives us the answer.
We know eating our vegetables is very important to keep the acid-alkaline of the body at the proper level to ward off germ invaders. In general, green is next best to protect us from colds and flu.

Green is good, but purple is better. It is the presence of the cancer-killing antioxidant anthocyanin that marks darkly colored vegetables (e.g., eggplant, red cabbage, elderberries, bilberries, purple corn and chokeberries) as “super-foods.” Research with rats fed anthocyanin showed a 65 percent drop in cancer tumours when compared to rats fed a regular diet.

My parents were married in 1915 and when the last of their eight children arrived in 1938 it could mean we are all protected from the influenza that had arrived in 1918 after World War I. The only fruit grown in our part of the windswept Alberta prairies was the hardy chokecherry. It was a reddish purple berry which must have given us those wonderful anthocyanins for protection. Of course it may have been a major help that we were not served food that contained trans-fats and except for a piece of cake every Sunday very little sweets were part of our menu.

I noticed last week that our local health store had brought in purple kale. It makes a great smoothie, especially when a little pineapple is added along with other greens.

Monday, October 26, 2009


It’s always fascinating when the entire class at school is taken to a factory to observe the assembly line work wonders together rolling the finished product off the line.

But there is one factory that is invisible and no one is able to observe the wonderful things these factories produce. Diagrams of these important life-saving productions can be found in text books. According to a medical study by Duke University the important job done by this small appendage called appendix has saved many lives. These interior Probiotic Factories are kept very busy protecting the healthy bacteria that populates the human digestive system.

A regular lube job is required daily to keep the factory in good working order to keep the wheels rolling smoothly. Olive oil and flax oil are both excellent oils to do this job. Trans-fats are hard for the system to handle and can create problems. This health promoting bacteria is cultivated in the appendix and used as a scavenger to remove toxins and putrefactive materials from the intestinal tract. It promotes proper immune function and efficient assimilation and synthesis of nutrients including the important B-complex vitamins. According to Simone Gabbay, RNCP, a nutritionist in Toronto, “The regular ingestion of cultured and fermented dairy products such as yogurt and buttermilk, help to recolonize health-promoting lactic-acid bacteria in the gut. Many vegetables including cabbage (available as sauerkraut) can be lactic-acid fermented. “If you no longer have your appendix, adding probiotic components to your diet becomes even more important. Appendix in or out – with probiotics, your health will win!” says Simone Gabbay, author of ‘Visionary Medicine: Real Hope for Total Healing.’ Her web site is:

Friday, October 23, 2009


Yes, Canada has three official languages. The most exciting part of this statement is that we all can study it but often do not find time to learn this third language. “On any question that arises, ask the mental self – get the answer, yes or no. Do not act immediately if you would develop the intuitive influence. Then in meditation or prayer, when looking within your inner self, ask – is the answer yes or no? The answer is intuitive development.” This comment came from the files of Edgar Cayce, who first spoke of the importance of developing intuition when facing life’s complex problems. Every country on Earth has this extra language.

Let me tell you what happened last year. I am the cat you met a few days ago when my family thought I had asthma. As usual I am restless during the night. Everyone in the household was sleeping but I sense that something is not right so I scratched at the bed covers and made a big fuss. The man finally awoke and I raced for the door. When he tried to close it I raced back in. He finally put on his jacket and followed me. I ran over to the gas pipe that led into the house, looked up at him and scratched at the pipe. He got the message, went back into the house, called an ambulance, the gas company and opened all the windows. The oxygen levels were very low in the house.

We were treated at the hospital and everyone survived. I heard them talking about how grateful they were that one of their boys brought me home when I was an abandoned kitty. They called me Catkin and we are all grateful for each other. I usually find a handy lap to land on while the children do their homework and we are very happy together.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Karen Kell tells of her experience of deciding to start walking as a form of exercise. “On the mornings that I pulled the covers away and jumped into my sneakers, the rhythm of my steps almost automatically began a process of reviewing bits and pieces of the previous day. On my last lap, many of yesterday’s concerns would be resolved. I attributed my morning checklist to the solitude of the early hour and dismissed the phenomena as an added benefit.

Then I read Thom Hartmann’s book, ‘Walking Your blues Away: How to Heal the Mind and Create Emotional Well-Being.’ As a psychotherapist, Hartmann had been using techniques that incorporated bilateral movement such as NeuroLinguistic Programming. This form of therapy simultaneously stimulates activity between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Glancing from his office window and observing the gait of the pedestrians below, he realized that the simple right-left, right-left rhythm could provide the same effect.

In a five step process, one is guided through a state of conscious measured walking, focusing on the emotion or trauma until it dissipates, literally changing the brain’s perception of the event. Dr. Hartmann’s book is filled with fascinating information about brain function, the history and development of bilateral therapies, and the cultural and societal effects of walking. Physical benefits include stimulation of the lymph system, joint maintenance and improvement of digestion are added benefits. Further information about walking with a coach and walking with various intentions such as creativity and problem solving can be found through l-800-333-4499.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I’m just clearing my throat, it’s all exaggerated, I’m only pitching out a hair ball and he thinks I must have asthma and calls his veterinarian. I like the vet and am accustomed to his routine which is quite thorough. He’ll ask if I have been able to lose a little weight and I have. He’ll explain that asthma is somewhat common in cats, spasmodic breathing signaling inflammation in the airways of the lungs. I’ll have to get an X-ray of the chest to be sure.

Doug Knueven, DVM, has given us the basic remedies before, “Asthma is exacerbated by pro-inflammatory processes in the body. A balanced, raw-food diet has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Adding fish oil to the diet quiets the inflammation. Feline-specific probiotics added to the food has a balancing effect on the immune system and can be helpful. Vaccines promote inflammation, so they should be kept to a minimum. Cigarette smoke, dusty kitty litter and other airborne particles and chemical fumes can trigger asthma attacks and must be avoided. Getting an air filter may help.”

Then he goes on to remind us I should be given 50-100 milligrams of vitamin C (ester-C is preferred) and 50-100 international units of vitamin E. These anti-oxidant vitamins help my body resist environmental toxins that can exacerbate asthma. He says there are acupressure points on either side of the spine between the shoulder blades that affect the lungs and massaging these points during an attack can lessen the severity.

Doug Knueven, DVM, is the author of “Stand by Me, a Holistic Handbook for animals, People, and the lives they Share, and “Holistic Health guide: Natural Care for the whole Dog.” Find more information at:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Speeding along its familiar highway transporting cargo faster than the speed of light, they travel in darkness along a well known turnpike until its closest relative takes over. Yes, these drivers are all related and share the same DNA as the driver pauses at each vessel for recognition and exchange. Each small mysterious tank passes along a message and then speeds away until up to 700 intersections have unloaded and reloaded at each node.

These clusters of lymphatic vessels act as filtering stations where their cargos are purified and cleansed. These wonderful little body-housekeepers destroy the harmful substances before returning the purified parts to the bloodstream. The colorless lymph fluid waste products are discarded by individual cells. The oxygen, minerals, proteins and other nutrients seep through thin capillary walls for the body’s nourishment. These valuable substances enter the lymphatic vessels for purification and are returned to the bloodstream.

From the body’s tissues the microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, dead or damaged cells are drained by the lymph and carried to the next node. Meanwhile the nodes produce lymphocytes and antibodies to help the body fight infection. We can only imagine the delight experienced by the cargo drivers at lunchtime when they find the body’s buffet contains fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy proteins to load up for their onward journey to provide nourishment for the body. Too often cells are overworked and must rush around to dispose of trans-fats and too much starch that can get tossed into fat cells that could add to the obesity problems and other sickness that shorten lives. The body’s lymph works hard and does its best with the foods and tools we provide to build healthy tissue to keep energy and happiness each day. For more information and further details call 757-457-7270.

Monday, October 19, 2009


After playing themselves out, the 4 and 6 year old girls were sitting together in my large rocker “reading” books. One of them had the title “An Encyclopedia of Healing,” with advice given by
Edgar Cayce long before chemo therapy was invented. The first page contains the note: “If you wish to follow any of the Cayce suggestions, do so under the supervision of your medical doctor.”

Six of the thirteen women were told that toxic elements were the cause of breast cancer due to poor eliminations. A hormone deficiency was noted and a chemical imbalance in the blood attributed in one case to excessive potassium, considered responsible for the formation of breast tumors. The treatment included a strict diet rich in alkaline reacting foods with plenty of leafy green vegetables and nuts. Foods to be avoided were starches, fatty or fried foods and red meats, except for seafood or chicken. Brazil nuts and almonds were highly recommended because they contained elements vital to the prevention of cancer.

In six cases topical application like cocoa butter was to be gently massaged in and around the breast area on a daily basis. Herbal cathartics like cascara sagrada and senna were to be considered to improve eliminations.

Information on the causes of other cancers followed. For skin cancer poor eliminations, mercury poisoning, unbalanced thyroid functioning and infections were mentioned. Plantain cream, made with chopped plantain leaves cooked in cream was prescribed in two cases as a salve to be applied directly to the cancerous skin.
The changes of diet were the same in all types of cancer. For stomach cancer castor oil packs were recommended in several cases to aid eliminations. The importance of a positive attitude was stressed and all were encouraged to adopt a cheerful disposition and not to dwell on problems.
Children can share interesting ideas without realizing it. "A little child may lead them."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


In the eleventh century the culmination of a deal between the Roman Catholic Church and a man of science, Rene Descartes of France: mathematician, philosopher and scientist declared the followers of Descartes would restrict themselves to the study of human anatomy, leaving the soul and mind to the church. That seemed like a fair deal at the time but in the ensuing years it appears that wars had to be declared to settle differences. This required soldiers and weapons that resulted in taxing the peasants heavily which threatened famines and the very underpinnings of life itself as recessions came and went throughout the years.

According to a new book “The Cure within,” Anne Harrington explores alternative wings of medicine that carries us into the present day challenges of Stress and takes us through the history of mind-body medicine. Present day cancer surgeon, Bernie Siegel explores this new angle in his best selling book: “Love, Medicine and Miracles.” He explains how the immune system of each individual leads the way. The basic truth is LOVE HEALS. This leads into the practice of “Golden Rule” which is the basic precept that claims to be a mandatory precept of every religion. It just needs to be put into practice. The names and information from a number of other doctors that promote preventive medicine are sprinkled throughout the book. Locally, Warren Bell, in Salmon Arm, B.C., has helpful advice along this line. Efforts to disentangle and further explain the mind-body connection weaves its way through an Eastward journey for greater understanding. Charles Rosenburg, Professor of Social sciences at Harvard University and author of “The Care of Strangers: The Rise of America’s Hospital System.” calls Anne Harrington’s book, “A well-informed and remarkably well-balanced book.” It is available from our local Library.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It is great to have a special day of the year to reflect on the many blessings that have been ours as families and as a country. Memories leaped from their archives painting their pictures anew. Their scrolls headlined the times we have brought joy to others renewing the pleasures of summers past that has carried us into the colorful fall days.

Family and friends gathered to celebrate my older sister’s 88th birthday that renewed some of the highlights of her more than 50 years in Africa spreading hopes for the future and relief for needed dental work for those living in the country’s outback. My young brother, a mere 70 years of age is giving a hand-up in Kenya to set up farms where families can co-operate together furnishing food for their families. Each household has the opportunity of taking in up to four extra children whose parents have died of Aids. In this way they receive extra benefits from the farm funds.

Sprinkled into the joys of the season brought to our mother here in Canada is the highlight she enjoyed in her later years when one of my brothers with his wife took her on a trip to her childhood home in the state of Washington.

Blessings to all as we recall our many blessings this Thanksgiving season as they continue throughout the year. Thanks for the memories.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Many health problems could be entirely prevented by balancing the body’s pH level according to Simone Gabbay, RNCP, a nutritionist based in Toronto. Blood should be at or near a pH of 7.4. The body mobilizes a special buffering system and draws on its alkaline reserve, consisting of mineral stores, to neutralize acidity. The pH (potential hydrogen) scale is applied to measure acidity or alkalinity of body fluids. Its values range from 0 to 14, acid to alkaline, with 7 being neutral. For optimum health and metabolic function, most body fluids must be slightly alkaline. Minerals in the alkaline reserve must be replenished regularly.

An alkaline-forming diet is therefore important. All foods, after being metabolized, leave either acid or alkaline-forming elements in the body. They include calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and manganese. Most vegetables and fruits are in this category. Acidifying foods supply predominantly acid-forming minerals like copper, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon. Meats, grains, most fats and dairy products belong in this group.

There are several charts listing foods in the acid and alkaline categories (see acid/alkaline chart in Simone Gabbay’s book, “Nourishing the Body Temple, P. 21). Freshly picked, sun-ripened vegetables and fruits grown in organic soil are higher in alkaline-forming minerals than those grown in chemically imbalanced soil and harvested prematurely. An alkaline forming diet may be achieved by building meals around fresh vegetables and fruits, with smaller proportions of cereals, dairy and meat that are typically featured in the North American diet. Avoid fried foods, processed foods, and foods high in refined starches and sugars which are highly acid-forming and rob the body of nutrients when they are metabolized. Her Web site is

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Before you reach for your wallet to see whether any funds remain for today’s groceries consider the no-cost safety insurance our grandchildren are providing for us. I first learned about it when our great-grandchildren came by for a visit. Either way, they have a great idea. After games, snacks, a gift exchange, and healthy snacks, it is time for new wisdom. Instead of the GST at the close of each gift, they demonstrate the even more “valuable than the cash” gift tax.

It even provides for some health insurance in the form of doing gentle exercise as well. GSG stands for “Give Safe Greetings.” This works for both coming and going greetings. With fingertips on the shoulders, hands reach up in the form of a circle and touch above the head, as hugs and kisses are flung through the air to the recipient. This continues after the seat belts are buckled up and the car leaves the driveway. Along with the smiles this is certainly the most delightful form of taxing exercise, fun and healthy. After the flu epidemic is over we can go back to the old form of coming and going greetings or use both forms for the exercise. It’s great for greetings at school as well, and the flu germs get left behind.

Friday, October 2, 2009


At this time of the year cabbage is often the most reasonable priced of all the cruciferous vegetables. Fighting the battle against cancer, their many relatives include broccoli, cauliflower, collards and kale all join them. Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and mustard greens are all part of the same botanical family and should not be forgotten since their power fuels up the army with their phytochemicals and use of antioxidant helpers as reported in the medical journal Lancet that showed a 36 percent decreased risk of developing lung cancer. An earlier study published January 5, 2000 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that men who ate three or more servings of cruciferous vegetables per week had a 41 percent lower risk of prostate cancer compared with those who ate less than one serving per week. Guests at my luncheon table today declared the curly leaf green kale blended as a smoothie with a half cup of pineapple was absolutely delicious.

A study conducted at the Harbor UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California, documented that study subjects (men and women ages 50 to 74) who regularly consumed broccoli were half as likely to develop colorectal cancer as those who never ate broccoli. With this large range of crucifers as part of a healthy died there are many choices. Broccoli with tomatoes appears to maximize its cancer-protective effects according to a study published in the December 2004 issue of the Journal of Nutrition. An earlier study had shown that combining broccoli with a selenium-rich food such as poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, mushrooms, or sunflower seeds increased broccoli’s cancer-fighting ability.
Further information can be found at the website of Simone Gabbay, RNCP, a nutritionist in Toronto and author of “Visionary Medicine: Real Hope for Total Healing, and “Nourishing the Body Temple.”

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Whistle while you work! Even when you are upset, focusing on a positive thought will return your heart to a healthier pattern of activity. Laughter is good medicine, especially for the heart. Doing good deeds creates an elevated mood as you perform random acts of kindness at every opportunity.

According to Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D., a psychologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and winner of the Templeton Positive Psychology prize, students who experienced more positive emotions in their daily lives rebounded more quickly in times of tragedy. This study showed how our emotional habits affect our ability to solve adversities. People process information differently when they are happy. They think differently, more creatively, with greater flexibility and more open mindedness. This more constructive cognitive style has survival value. Positive emotions are a balm to the body, while negative emotions, are like poisons.

Dr. Fredrickson found that simple emotional highs, sometimes from mundane activities, add to the reservoir of positive energy. She suggests opening oneself to others, because when reaching out to others is the most frequent source of positive emotions, especially when others can empathize and make you laugh.

She encourages spiritual activities and developing the habit of gratitude. Taking up a new activity like gardening or painting orients one to new possibilities. Keep a smile handy and you will find the field of “positive psychology” will promote good cheer.