Saturday, November 21, 2009


Misty has been with me since November l4th and shown how well a kitty of three months and a lady of 86 years can do well together. He seemed to be so special we wanted to find a home to match. Animals are so loved by so many they can sometimes get through to us and teach us how to get along together, even better than the plans of our government’s official members. We are all trying to make our global village a more peaceful and loving place to live.
We can all point to recent examples of those who have left a legacy of peace that has blended with the laws of our country to make a difference.

Misty has just awakened from her afternoon nap (remember her night is my day.) She will be able to better explain what I was trying to say in the above message. “Mum-mum was trying to say the right kind of “No” when teaching me not to scratch the carpet or chairs but instead use the scratching pole, one of the gifts from Ms S. The firm “No” Ms Marge told her about did not have to be preceded with an unpleasant almost sharp “uh” to get my attention. We both pretend we can read each others minds but what we are really doing is reading each other’s eyes and voice timber and heart. I felt shock and hurt. I raced off but soon returned, and both of us said ‘I’m sorry’ using both eyes and quiet voices. Both hearts learned a lesson. Mum-mum thinks I will live longer than her and says I should take any good opportunity to accept a nice place to move before too long. She and Ranch Mum spoke on the telephone this morning and if the little ranch nearby doesn’t work out (where Mum-mum may be able to visit me once in awhile) our Ranch Mum will come over and take me back with her to her place where I was born. I will be able to be with my Ranch sisters and enjoy them, the outside protective dogs and Mum-mum might be able to visit me there also."

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