Monday, November 30, 2009


The mystery of each thought in mind, Checked each inviting room,
Each nuance sent a message clear, Translated came to me,
One room for this, that one for that, each fragrance tells so much,
Quietly I check each space, I softly move along,
On padded feet I find a bowl, Good food is there for me.

New Vernon friend embraces me, like family at home,
Call me Mum-mum her thoughts say, Does other preference come?
She seems just like Ranch family – Earth families are one.
I race around and check out more, Green spider plant I find,
Delicious fragrances and food, All makes me feel at home.

An exit door leads to a deck, Says come and check me out,
Fresh air just like out at the Ranch, It makes me feel like home.

Farm family have disappeared, My sisters and their Mom?
Ranch Dad who holds a kindly heart, Have vanished in thin air,
A slender crack of light I see and check the entrance door.
A fragrance like my family, They will come back later on,
Mum-mum holds me to her heart and pats my soft white fur,
She will love and care for me, I purr a quiet song.
Silent messages I send, We help each other on,
I purr my love out to them all, And with Ranch Sisters four,
Including our sweet Grandma T, Earth’s families are one.

Now I’m back out at the Ranch, My Step-Mom calls for me,
Now engorged with too much milk, I fill her need you see,
Ranch Mum comes to get me, Mum-mum and her have tea,
We send each other happy thoughts, joy for both families.
Through sunny days and moonlit nights, Help to others is the key.

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