Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I must have put the missing plant in another room. This potted plant contains several bulbs that rest over winter with minimum moisture, ready to spring to life when the days get longer in early spring so growth won’t start too soon. I clear everything off the sewing table which includes Misty’s new filing system and begin to pull out the encyclopedia books that are kept under the table for quick reference. The tops of the books opposite the spine are now covered with dry black soil that leads to the window sill, scattering it on the way. The heavy pot had apparently balanced briefly on the sill as Misty used it as a support for his forward leap. The pot got off balance during this leap and crashed to the metal register with a loud bang. The pot itself is hung up behind the wide support ledge. I was nearby and rushed to the entrance hall. Misty was there calmly looking up at me. His large blue innocent eyes said, ‘Not me, I’m just sitting here waiting for Ranch Mom to arrive.’

The genes of Siamese cats must be programmed to check each forward leap by getting the back feet well secured in this leap. The 3-way lamp may have been knocked over during this leap, being less secure than those rocks of ancient Siam. Dry top layers of soil from the ceramic pot were scattered in all directions. Misty must feel happy to be back in the wide open spaces at the Ranch. “He traveled well in the carrier,” Ranch Mum reported later on the phone. I had taken him out to the hall a few days before. My next door neghbour came down the hall with her shopping cart and seeing this little ball of white fluff with navy blue ears commented, “Oh isn’t she cute but she looks so frightened,” she said with deep sympathy and understanding heart. He looks so handsome everyone thinks he is a she kitty. “Gimmie those wide open spaces,” he is doubtless purring at this moment back at his Ranch home. Thank you Ranch Mom, Dad and all the family. I would not have wanted to miss my week with Misty. Thanks again. Sue

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