Friday, June 29, 2012


   Invisible dangers you say, where and how can this be.  Forecasters have suggested good weather for Canada Day and hikers may be walking through the short grasses in the spring and summer and not notice the almost invisible but deadly danger.  A tiny insect could be looking for “a small and convenient place to feed on for a lifetime.”  This could be a very short life span or even cause a person to be wheel chair bound indefinitely.  This is the dreaded lime disease that doctors find so difficult to diagnose.  Detecting the presence of this tick as soon as possible is important and must be removed very carefully.   It is said to live among the short grasses of spring. 

   Elizabeth May has filed a private members bill in parliament to focus on the need for more research in this area.  Doctors find this “tick disease” difficult to identify because the symptoms of lime disease are similar to flu-like symptoms. Meanwhile hikers should stick to well-worn trails to avoid any ticks that may be lurking in the grasses mainly in the early spring and summer.  The last time I was walking with my family with the great grandchildren I heard the sound of a motor in the distance as their father called out “Train up” as the eldest one extended an inviting hand and the others quickly joined together forming a small “train” and avoided the oncoming car.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Researchers have found that after adjusting for energy intake, age and gender the risk for coronary heart disease depended on the type of oil used in preparing foods needed to be considered.  Among other caveats they pointed out that fried or sautéed food in Spain is different from fried or sautéed foods in many other countries because Spanish people typically use different types of oil than in fried or sautéed food in many other countries rather than solid fats often used in Western countries.  This makes a difference in the health of the heart.

Please roll back to my posting of June 13, 2012 and review how one medical doctor cured herself of Multiple Sclerosis by making changes in improving her diet and exercise and was able to leave her bedridden wheel chair and now lives to help others learn how to change their diets to include more fruits and green vegetables.

“Walking in place” during commercial TV breaks can help squeeze in some exercise.  Studies have shown that people who did so over the course of an hour of TV watching walked an average of 25 minutes, burned 148 calories and took roughly 2,100 steps equal to about a mile.

      Tai chi exercise helps people with Parkinson’s disease.  Researchers assigned 195 people with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease to one of three classes - resistance training, stretching, or tai chi - twice a week for six months.  At the end of the study, people in the tai chi group showed the most improvement in balance, stride length and ability to reach forward.  They also had 67 percent fewer falls than those who stretched.  The findings appeared February 12 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Friday, June 22, 2012


   “When my patients gave up wheat products they lost an average of 26.7 pounds each, without counting calories or doing additional exercise,” says William Davis, M.D.  Dr. Davis is also a cardiologist and added, “Many of my clients also beat diabetes, joint pain, colitis, fatigue, and other blood sugar problems.  When his wife was an athlete he watched her races, and noted that many of the racers were actually fat.  It wasn’t lack of exercise since he had his own exercise program. Researching the latest medical journals and scientific studies and testing the problem for himself and his patients, he identified the culprit – it was wheat.  He created a plan for himself and tested it many times.  He lost 30 pounds and beat his diabetes and among his patients were those who lost a hundred pounds of fat.

   “Avoiding wheat can completely turn your health around and that includes arthritis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, asthma, allergies, celiac disease, and vision problems.  By learning more about this new wheat, the hidden trigger can be found.  A spare tire can begin even in the late teens and progress,” Dr. Davis advised.

   The question arose, “Why is wheat so toxic?”  The answer is, “Because it is not wheat anymore, but a genetically engineered super carbohydrate that came from the Sierra Mountains in Mexico in the 1960s.  In 1985 the government said the secret of health, wellness and being slender was to eat the more healthy whole grains like wheat.  An explosion arose as new cases of diabetes are increased rapidly.  By altering the genetic structure of this new wheat a tsunami of blood sugar is created that lasts about two hours.  Hunger and cravings are virtually out of control and a wheat belly moves in and packs on more fat in the easiest soft spot – the belly.  Encouraged to eat the so-called “healthy” whole wheat it was found to weaken the bones causing sulfuric acid to begin to accumulate in the body.  In order to neutralize the acid the body steals calcium from the bones.  In a University of Toronto study, eating more bread that is filled with wheat gluten increases calcium loss by 63 percent and the person usually faces osteoporosis.  In a sense this genetically engineered wheat actually generates a morphine-like compound and depending on the amount, can results in a euphoric state.  It doesn’t mean you have to be bread-free.  Check out our new library in Vernon or local health stores for further information on books that help you avoid most of the genetically engineered “new wheat”.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


   Birthday parties are more fun when the long days of summer give us extra time to play outside.  My four great grandchildren are busy growing up fast so it might be a good idea to give them names that will help you guess their ages.  The youngest we’ll call Twosie since she turned two years old on May 21st.  The next birthday came June 8th when her sister welcomed her seventh year so we’ll call her Sevenzie and so we celebrated their birthdays together.  First there was an at-home party with their friends from The Vernon Christian School.  The next Sunday we were invited to Great Grandma’s place at Carrington Retirement Home for a turkey dinner.  All four of the girls liked the green salad so well they were given an extra one to share.      

   When it was time to go to the rest room their Dad borrowed Grandma’s keys and the two oldest children went with him to Grandma’s apartment.  Twosie was cuddling on Mommie’s lap when she suddenly noticed that DaDa and two of her sisters were missing.  She leaped from Mommies lap and decided it was time to investigate the absence of half of their Six-Pack family.  Twosie knows a dozen or so words but all of them were inadequate to express her point.  Her younger sister at age nearly four understood the other half of the family would soon be back.  But Twosie would not be mollified with empty words – it was clearly an emergency.  She had used up the dozen or so words she had already learned but each time she headed for the hallway she saw only strange faces.  One man was so tall she thought his head must have been as high as the ceiling and so she backed away.  He had a kind face but there was no place for Twosie’s feet to go except up and down.  Her sister who will be four years old in six months called across the table, “Mommie can I come over and cuddle with you?”  Mommie replied, “Just crawl under the table and climb up and we three can enjoy comforting hugs together.”  But Twosie’s feet continued to run on the spot and look for somewhere to go to find Daddy or even the other set of grandparents who were far away.  Finally the other half of the six-Pack made an appearance from the hallway.  Twossie’s tearful face changed into a smile as she leaped into Daddy’s arms.  After petting the cat on the way outside we found the van waiting for us and on the way Twosie had a ride on Gi Gi’s walker.  Her smile said, “It was fun having you push me around with your walker Gi Gi (their abbreviation for great-grandmother) but when the others were buckling into their seat belts, her parting smile said, “I’ll be back soon as long as you will push me around with your walker.”


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


   The Food and Drug Administration has announced that two new side effects increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and potential memory problems and will be added to labels on statins, the cholesterol-lowering drugs.  They include atorvastatin  (Lipitor and generic) lovastain (Mevacor and generic), and sinvasatin (Zocor and generic). 

   The type 2 diabetes risk is based on a review of several clinical studies that found an increased risk of elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes among people taking statins compared with those taking a placebo.  Another warning is based on rare reports the FDA received about people developing memory loss or impairment while taking a statin.  The problems generally occurred in people older than 50 and disappeared when they stopped taking the drug.  The FDA also said it was removing from statin labels a recommendation that patients who take them have their liver function tested periodically.  It stated a lack of evidence that routine monitoring helped detect or prevent serious liver injuries.  (People should still have their liver enzymes checked before starting a statin.)

   The new warnings underscore our advice to try lowering high cholesterol with lifestyle changes first, such as a healthy diet and exercise, before taking medication.  Even when a drug is needed, those lifestyle changes might help you reduce your dose or minimize any side effects.     

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


   It is generally known that mixing grapefruit (or its juice) with a statin can cause a dangerous buildup of some prescription as well as (over the counter) drugs in your body.  The juice can also interfere with allergy medication.  The FDA recently warned that apple and orange juice can reduce the absorption of the antihistamine fexofenodine (Allegra and generic.) 

   MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) is a progressive neurological disease that is becoming more prevalent in industrialized countries.  It is characterized by muscle weakness and neurological symptoms such as headaches, pain or tingling in the extremities, and visual problems.  Aspartame is an artificial sweetener which is converted by the liver into formaldehyde (a preservative that is also used for cadavers.)  Aspartame has been banned in several countries because of its toxic effects.  Methanol, also known as wood alcohol, can be converted into formaldehyde in the body and is found in cigarette smoke, canned fruits and vegetables.  “Methanol slowly builds up in canned fruits and vegetables, says Dr.Woodrow C. Monte, and builds up in the container (as in canning), the major source of methanol in human diets.  When cigarettes are manufactured, tobacco leaves are fermented, releasing their pectin-bound methanol and trigger MS relapses.  It is more common in colder climates because of a shorter growing season and creates a greater dependence on canned foods and Vitamin D (sunshine deficiencies) and use a typical “western” diet of canned and processed foods.

   Dr. Terry Wahls, M.D. had severe MS which was successfully treated by changing her diet to include:  3 cups of green leafy vegetables, (kale, spinach and chard), 3 cups of sulphur-rich vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, brussels sprouts, turnips, collards, kale, mushrooms, asparagus, onion, garlic, leeks.  3 brightly colours of fruits and vegetables.  A daily source of omega 3 oils, grass-fed meats and some sea weeds (at least once a week).  Three cups of any of the above fruits and vegetables is equal to one large dinner plate and then you will be feeding your mitochondria.  Dr.Wahls severe MS ate her way from her wheel-chair-bound existence to an active healthy body. It is gardening time again and Farmers Markets are replete with already started plants.  One of my great-granddaughters has dug small holes in their lawn and planted salad greens in separate containers. Isaiah 11:06 “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and fatling together and a little child shall lead them.”   Isaiah 11:06.


Thursday, June 7, 2012


   A newly discovered phytonutrient called falcarinol has been found to fend off age-related macular degeneration.  Other nutrients in carrots include vitamin K, folate, potassium, B6 and dietary fiber.  That Orion farm-grown carrot displaying Mother’s solid gold wedding band surfaced more than 75 years ago and continues to confirm its message of high nutritional value for long life, good health and better eyesight.

     You’ve likely noticed word “fiber” in the paragraph above and carrots supply this nutrient in a good balance.  Whether you want to live longer, reduce your chances of developing diabetes, whittle your waistline or lower your cholesterol, eating enough dietary fiber can help you do it.  Despite an ever-growing body of research supporting fiber’s numerous benefits, most of us do not get the message.  Health Canada recommends 30 grams per day according to the latest Canadian Community Health Survey.  Men aged 51 to 70 averaged only 19 grams and women were getting only 16.5 grams of fiber, reports Len Piche, a registered dietician and professor at the University Western Ontario University College in London, Ontario.  That averages a shortfall of 4.5 grams.

    With no bad side effects carrots can lower harmful LDL cholesterol as effectively as some medications.  It also limits the growth of colon cancer cells.  Honey mustard sauce gives a little zing to any green drink your blender may whip out.  Carrots grow in many countries, varieties and colours including red.  They can also decimate cardio vascular disease (CVD).  My brother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer and after two surgeries and one chemo series, he began to make a smoothie each evening for himself and his wife.  They continue to do well, travel and enjoy their grandchildren and great grandchildren. 
       Prebiotics, is a new type of fiber that provides a bacterial banquet for beneficial microorganisms that live in the gut.  “It’s soluble, but we can’t digest it ourselves because human enzymes can’t break it down,” Piche explains, “because it feeds the bacteria in the large intestine.”  High in fiber it’s best to use a variety of foods so add half an avocado to the mix.  The carrot’s green tops are slightly bitter and not often put in smoothies but add some of the tops after pouring the main blend in serving glasses, then add a little juice blend to it again and try it out.  You may like it.      



Saturday, June 2, 2012


     Our sister Helen chose to live in an outback area of Ivory Coast where families could not afford dental care or first aid for health challenges, or bus fare to the nearest town.  When small children in the villages saw Helen riding her bicycle on the narrow path that led to their town they ran home shouting, “Here comes the tooth lady,” as half a dozen adults began lining up for extractions.  Helen is over 90 years old now living in a care home in Kamloops near our younger sister Esther and husband Lloyd who visit her three times a week.  After spending 52 years in the Ivory Coast, she stayed in their home for 9 years recovering from a broken hip in Africa.  Lloyd prints out e-mails for her and at the next visit the reverse side is used. 

   Back at Orion I learned of a couple who needed someone to care for their small daughter when they were away.  She was a pleasant three-year-old and I was able to work for my board and room and stay with them to attend high school.  Our father often expressed gratitude for Canada’s warm welcome to immigrants.  It was Mother’s large garden and sewing machine skills that helped clothe our family.  Even through the many years when crops hailed or dried out they never asked Canada’s welfare system for help. He said that would have been a disgrace for the family.  Aunt Lena sent pre-owned clothes for Mother who created the patterns for our clothes.  My husband later told me about a class mate whose parents received welfare and when welfare found out there was a radio in their home it was confiscated.  Root crops like potatoes and carrots provided underground foods for winter.

    As their children left home to move into their life’s work our mother said her arms felt so empty and suggested they would have another baby saying “Perhaps this soul will then be that of Harold, their seventh child who died of scarlet fever in the mid l930s and thus Harold be returned to Earth in this way.  We pursed our lips in silence.  In December of 1939 their son John was born and later knew he had been a replacement. After his retirement from teaching high school, John and his wife Jean searched for some unused land in Kenya to start group farms where families work together to prevent  famines.  This challenge is working out well and with gold soaring in price, Mother may have used her wedding ring to help start The International Fellowship.  John and Jean lived in Kenya during retirement with specifics handled by the board at home base .  When Mother passed in 1989 she may have already donated her gold wedding ring for this wonderful cause started by her “replacement son.”  Other family members may have specifics for us.