Saturday, February 20, 2010


“Here are the two files you requested,” the executive secretary said as she placed two files on the desk for a final choice to be made. “I am in favour of this one,” said the CEOs assistant,” as he pushed one folder across the desk for the CEO to review. “She is imposing, statuesque, beautiful, carries herself with confidence and has kindness written on her face.” The picture on the folder displayed a pleasant young woman, perhaps even eager to be helpful to their clients. The other file followed the first one across the desk. This showed an older woman, likely with more experience in the field of Nutrition.

The CEO pondered both pictures and then opened the two files. “These women are the same age,” he said with puzzlement as he noted the long blonde hair that draped upon the shoulders of the younger appearing one. “This one has an identical twin that may be able to stand in for her sister in the event we require someone to attend a Symposium in the future at such time as we still need to have one here,” said the assistant.

“You have a good thought,” replied the CEO, but I think we will have to go with the older appearing one. Our country is in a ‘Diabetic emergency’ and will require a firm hand to guide them. “Many of our patients are on the edge, facing the door with a sign that says, ‘Diabetics.’ Once they walk through that door they will find there is no door knob on the other side to retreat to.” Some will find it too difficult to open their new book that reveals the glycemic index of every food they face whether at home or when eating in a restaurant. Restaurant foods also contain too much salt, and I should add the heavier solid fats contained in many meats. Diabetics must watch weight gain very carefully. They are among the first patients to require the amputation of toes and even legs. Already our health system has said it is overburdened as they assist patients to face the possibilities waiting in their futures. We will have to go with the older one unless the twin is willing to go with a more mature hairdo.

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