Monday, February 8, 2010


When the heart stops, life is a “no go” so it is time to take action and keep that pump in good repair and Dr. Shealy gives the answer and how to do it. In l975 this neurosurgeon founded the American Holistic Medical Association that is becoming an authority in the alternative medical community and a pioneer in the emerging field of energy medicine. Today’s news updated us on how many billions of dollars Canada’s health system is needlessly spending on treating every symptom as if it were a critical disease and overprescribing invasive tests with their many false positives. He tells why the “PharmacoMafia” is to blame for the exponential increase in prescription drug use today – flooding the airwaves with drug advertisements which create a “need” in the public perception. The effects can be devastating to health and impair the body’s ability to heal itself naturally.

Shealy says, “I believe that many energetic, enthusiastic people can redefine old age, living healthily to 100 years, some to 120 and even to 160 years, just by adding a few simple activities. “I have proof that you can at least restore the three most critical factors which have the potential for optimizing longevity: 1) maintaining DHEA, the most important hormone; 2) Calcitonin, which keeps the skeleton strong; and 3) reducing free radicals, which are the ultimate chemical evidence that the body is being ‘oxidized’ excessively, leading to disease, aging, memory loss and death.”

In his book “Life Beyond 100, Secrets of the Fountain of Youth” Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D. Ph.D. gives a scientific program that prescribes daily stress-reduction, called “self-regulation,” normal foods, sexual activity, exercises, selected supplements, easy exercises and no drugs. It is a holistic fountain of health – mental, emotional, and physical. Check with your local library or see your local bookstore Tarcher/Penguin, or order toll free 800-723-1112.

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