Thursday, February 11, 2010


People who are emotional partners, friends or in love, show a physical form of ESP between them, although they may be unconscious of it, according to research conducted by Dean Radin Ph.D., of the Institute for Noetic Science, and published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

When one partner from a loving couple sees the face of the beloved, for example, the beloved’s brain shows a response, even though the two people are in separate locations. In this study, each person in a pair was seated in a separate, electromagnetically isolated chamber. A video camera was aimed at the person in one room. In the other room, a video monitor in front of the other person could be flipped on to show the image of the person’s lover in the other room. Both had their EEG brain waves monitored during the sessions. At random moments, the monitor would come on, showing the one lover’s face to the other. At those moments, the person seeing evidenced EEG arousal. Within milliseconds the partner’s EEG measured the receiving partner’s same brain arousal.

In a second study, an electrogastrogram (EGG) measured the receiving partner’s intestinal, or gut, response. In a room, the sending partner sat in front of two video monitors. One would be activated at random moments to show the face of the separated lover. Simultaneous with this first monitor, the other one would show either an emotional video clip, with music, or a neutral scene. When viewing the image of the partner’s face, a more active gut response came than when the first person saw the neutral video. The results showed an elevated gut response in the second person associated with the partner’s emotional experience not evident with a neutral video. For related Web links or more information, go to,

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