Sunday, January 16, 2011


According to research conducted by scientists at Cornell University at Cornell University at Ithaca New York red bell peppers contain the greatest amount of phenols – plant chemicals that protect blood vessel health and prevent cell damage that is thought to contribute to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The unripe green pepper is more difficult for many people to digest and should be left on the vine until it has reached its full depth of maturity.

Together with colourful beets and broccoli which has been in the news lately, we have a powerful way of slowing down on the serious problem of Diabetes 2 that affects millions resulting in huge social changes in the way we live. With patient education, the way we eat and take charge of our own health will diminish the necessity of surgery and amputation of limbs that seriously compromises the quality of life in our later years. or call 416-586-4800, extension 4447, for more information.

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