Monday, January 3, 2011


AVOIDING DIABETES: Brown rice still has its kernel intact which leaves the bran and germ layers available for the body’s needs. These layers are packed with nutrients and fiber, which might explain why a recent study linked brown ice to a reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Canada and the United States are alarmed at the Diabetes Explosion. Curbing the incidence of Diabetes will reduce the occurrence of many life-altering complications associated with the diseases, such as blindness, heart disease, kidney failure and amputation as a result of circulatory problems. Eating a careless diet can promote obesity and not getting enough physical activity sets this downward spiral in motion. Type 2 Diabetes marches in step with the rate of diabetes in North America since many have engineered activity out of daily life, and loaded their plates with too much food.

Liquid or chewable supplements give the body a head start on absorption because they’re already broken down when they reach the stomach. Calcium carbonate has the highest percentage of calcium and usually costs less. To check your supplement’s solubility, place it in a container of vinegar for 30 minutes and stir periodically. If it doesn’t dissolve, it may not be well absorbed in the stomach. I tested one of my calcium tablets by placing it in a water and lemon juice mix and it soon softened and was much easier to swallow. Liquid calcium can be kept in the refrigerator after opening and is always the easiest to swallow.

People who express gratitude to each other for small gestures like being given a cup of tea or coffee, or other courtesy feel more satisfaction in their relationships, according to a recent study.

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