Friday, January 21, 2011


A simplified version of cardiopulmonary resuscitation can save as many lives as standard CPR, according to two studies in the July 19, 2010, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

In both, 911 telephone operators had given instructions to people helping victims of cardiac arrest, a condition that usually occurs after a heart attack or an acute heartbeat abnormality. Operators told them to do either chest compressions alternating with rescue breathing, or just chest compressions. Each approach was equally effective. The hands-only version is easier to explain and do. The American Heart Association now recommends hands-only CPR for people not trained in traditional CPR.

To do hands-only CPR:
· First, call 911.
· Push hard and fast on the center of the person’s chest. Aim for 100 compressions per minute.
· Continue until emergency services arrive. Swap with a partner if you can, since it is hard work.
· For more details, go to The American Red Cross teaches complete CPR.

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