Saturday, August 2, 2008


George MacDonald, 1824 - 1905
Scottish Writer

"Instead of a gem, or even a flower,
cast the gift of a lovely thought into
the heart of a friend."

George MacDonald was a graduate of
the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Thank you George for leaving this
and many other wonderful thoughts to
bring joy and challenges into our lives.
I honor you with these words.

As thoughts are formed within the mind,
They grow a certain flower,
And from this shoot, there forms a fruit,
For good or evil power.
As in the act, so is the seed,
And all its fruits that grow,
Man sets his bounds for happiness,
And mind directs life's show.

Great depths of thought love dwell within,
Await our invite call,
A balance that will harmonize,
And bring a peace to all.
For happiness dwells in the heart,
Not bought or sold or learned,
No thief can steal this precious thing,
It only comes when earned.
Each day an opportunity,
For kind and gentle speech,
Each act a pearl upon life's string,
True gems within our reach.

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