Thursday, August 28, 2008


Sprinkles from a leaden sky, Announce that fall is drawing nigh,
No bugles sound, nor bagpipes play, As thunder's drums peal, "No delay." Magnetically in touch with all, Each plant prepares for season's call.
They celebrate with colors bright, As summer smiles and waves goodnight.

Brown and gray Earth's artist takes, And later white for each snowflake.
Heavy skies with breezes call, Preparing for the dance of fall.
And from the cups of palette's form, Paints red and gold as trees transform.
The painted leaves from palette's cups, In dazzling costumes, all dress up,

Colors flash from every form, Dance with the breeze as they perform.
Ripened fruits in colors bright, Added glow with orbs of light.
Birds took notice of these signs, And readied flight to southern climes.
With trills of thanks and liquid song, All nature joined the happy throng.

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