Sunday, August 10, 2008


Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 - 1882, Essayist,
lecturer, philosopher, and poet against slavery.

"Days come and go like muffled, veiled figures sent
from a distant friendly party, they say nothing, and
if we do not use the gifts they bring, they carry
them as silently away."

Thank you Ralph for stimulating the thinking of many.
Your words are a challenge to more wisely value time.

A grand, ungilded man of stone,
Inscrutable through time,
Looks through remote antiquity
And toward man's upward climb.
Perhaps this faultless carving took,
A hundred years of toil,
But many centuries more of search,
Its mysteries time has foiled.

Its memory holds five thousand years,
In retrospect to see,
Unbroken tides of time and space,
Rolling o'er life's sea.
Though carved from stone, a sentient face
Has watched great empires rise,
And then diffuse through selfish acts,
And cause their own demise.

From grandeur to decay they move,
Until all seek to learn,
The way of love, respect for all,
And thus true honor earn.
To live with beauty greater than
All kingdoms formed by man,
Enchanting realms of consciousness,
And live the Master's Plan.


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