Saturday, August 9, 2008


Demosthenes, 384 - 322 B.C. Orator

"Small opportunities are often the beginnings
of great enterprises."

He was regaraded as the finest example of Greek
oratory. Sir Winston Churchill has been called
the 20th Century Demosthenes.

He was only seven when his father died, and was soon
swindled out of his inheritance by his guardians. He
trained himself in oratory in order to be able to
conduct a lawsuit for the return of his property. It
was said he overcame his speech defect by talking
with stones in his mouth.

Here are a few challenging words to encourage
new beginnings that any of us may be contemplating:

Picture what you value most, Imagine this can be,
How far our expectations rise, Is just what we will see.
Faith's inner spiritual knowledge joins, Life's Universal
force, Transforms from miniature psychic form,
To physical resource.
For all things known exteriorally, Are first formed small
within, The master matrix of the psyche,
Brings forth its outer twin.

So things that happen physically, Begin in rhythms fresh,
With feeling tones that rise and fall, As spirit blends with flesh.
Life's music forms from thoughts within,
To shape beliefs we hold, That alter actions, change our lives,
The world that we behold.
Each day an opportunity, To set beliefs afresh,
To play the music of the soul, Life's energies made flesh.

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