Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Johann Gottfried von Herder, 1744 - l803, German Philosopher,
teacher and pastor. Loved and encouraged the songs of the
people. Among his writing was "Outlines of a Philosophy of the
History of Man." He greatly influenced Johann Wolfgang von
Goethe, poet, dramatist and statesman who lived from 1749 - 1832.

"Have you never observed that children will sometimes, of a sudden,
give utterance to ideas which make us wonder how they got
possession of them. They break forth like a full stream from the earth,
an infallible sign that the stream was not produced in a moment from
a few raindrops, but had long been flowing beneath the ground."
Thank you Johann von Herder, for this fascinating
observation. I honor you with these words.

The Universe a gift has given, Pressed in form and time,
A soul and body consciousness, To use through Earth's lifetime.
And from Creator's tree of life, A tender hopeful shoot,
To savour free what mind decrees, When gathering life's fruit.

When used, the gifts of life increase, This tree of knowledge grows,
Resplendent in love's wondrous wrap, No bounds its giving knows.
And through the framework of the mind, Thoughts and works will
come, Uniting spirit with the flesh, The marriage bond is one.

The body love its counterpart, Its mate throughout life's time,
And nourish with great care and love, Both body and the mind.
Who loves and trusts his body, A faithful mate has won,
Who does not care to be aware, Finds ancient bonds undone.

To wander lonely through the world, Each begging and betrayed,
To fill a psychiatric couch, Or seek out questioned aids,
And fall a prey to proffered ways, With chemical confusion,
Not know the score - demanding more, And find it an illusion.

But when the soul and body merge, With universal plan,
Its loyalty and trust renew, And travel hand in hand.
In garments of an earthly guise, This marriage bond with soul.
A dwelling for the All-That-Is, And one with all earth's whole.

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