Monday, August 18, 2008


Ever dreamed of being a hero,
Maybe save a life,
Add years of living to your own,
With no real work or strife?
Well listen up good pilgrim,
With this year's speeding time,
Make a resolution plan,
Start now your upward climb.

The cash you give tobacco kings,
Instead can be your gift,
No needs? then share another's need,
Your health will feel a lift.
Non smoker? You're already wise,
But challenges may come,
The cash you give to processed foods,
Make arteries feel glum.

They want to keep you living long,
The heart calls "Please help me,
The gifted ones like your kind self,
The world has need of thee."
This always comes full circle as,
Your gift returns once more,
The life you saved has been your own.
Your health feels great - restored.

The joy you've brought to other's lives,
Your own life will be blest,
Both giving and receiving health,
For both, you are the best.
Already you're a leader, friend,
A little club could start,
Where ideals of the future years.
Will play a wondrous part.

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