Friday, September 19, 2008


When the new title of grandparent first arises it seems startling since they look so young. But for the new life that has arrived it brings great joy for future days. The new grandparents happily accept it. All the family get involved. Here are some words I have penned that include "the whole village" and eventually will include all of us in our globe as we learn to help each other grow and learn.

For each grandparent, we thank you Lord, For light and love they share,
Whose hearts tune with grandchildren sweet, Their caring, everywhere.

Each helps form lives unselfishly, In subtle ways each day,
As intuition hearts confirm, They're loved in special ways.

Ideals are shared in each word said, Through years they will recall,
Each picture, saying, perhaps a rhyme, They will remember all.

With parents, aunts and uncles too, A cozy group together,
Each smile, each hug expresses love, Just like a soft warm feather.

So sprinkle love throughout each day, Each thought will travel far,
Through cyberspace zooms to each place, Each one a shining star.

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