Thursday, July 17, 2008



Perched high upon a branch, she viewed, The swirling leaves of fall,
Tumbling, galloping in the wind, With no control at all.
With graceful moves, the eagle stirred, And winged in graceful flight,
Intent to reach her cozy nest, And safety for the night.

No fears when facing weather's mood, An elegant spirit she,
An expert in the rules of flight, Her birthright flying free.
Each wing and tail feather flicked, To streak through winds, or calm,
Her choice and intent guides the route, Its fresh and healing balm.

Like her, each one upon the Earth, May elegant spirits be,
As Thoughts and Words and Intents form, to choose that Harmony.
Cooperation leads the way, And reverence for all life,
And sharing, ride through unknown gales, Avoiding wars or strife.

The winds in life brings challenges, So souls may forward move,
Like feathers of both wings and tail, Harmonious ways will choose.
And thus each soul may forward move, An elegant spirit be,
As tools of thought with actions build, A life of Harmony.

The parent eagles train their chicks, Instructs them one and all,
To orient each chick through life, And southbound flights each fall.
Just as our parents guide our lives, As children watch each day,
Through growing years to honor life, Examples show the way.

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