Sunday, October 4, 2009


Before you reach for your wallet to see whether any funds remain for today’s groceries consider the no-cost safety insurance our grandchildren are providing for us. I first learned about it when our great-grandchildren came by for a visit. Either way, they have a great idea. After games, snacks, a gift exchange, and healthy snacks, it is time for new wisdom. Instead of the GST at the close of each gift, they demonstrate the even more “valuable than the cash” gift tax.

It even provides for some health insurance in the form of doing gentle exercise as well. GSG stands for “Give Safe Greetings.” This works for both coming and going greetings. With fingertips on the shoulders, hands reach up in the form of a circle and touch above the head, as hugs and kisses are flung through the air to the recipient. This continues after the seat belts are buckled up and the car leaves the driveway. Along with the smiles this is certainly the most delightful form of taxing exercise, fun and healthy. After the flu epidemic is over we can go back to the old form of coming and going greetings or use both forms for the exercise. It’s great for greetings at school as well, and the flu germs get left behind.

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