Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It is great to have a special day of the year to reflect on the many blessings that have been ours as families and as a country. Memories leaped from their archives painting their pictures anew. Their scrolls headlined the times we have brought joy to others renewing the pleasures of summers past that has carried us into the colorful fall days.

Family and friends gathered to celebrate my older sister’s 88th birthday that renewed some of the highlights of her more than 50 years in Africa spreading hopes for the future and relief for needed dental work for those living in the country’s outback. My young brother, a mere 70 years of age is giving a hand-up in Kenya to set up farms where families can co-operate together furnishing food for their families. Each household has the opportunity of taking in up to four extra children whose parents have died of Aids. In this way they receive extra benefits from the farm funds.

Sprinkled into the joys of the season brought to our mother here in Canada is the highlight she enjoyed in her later years when one of my brothers with his wife took her on a trip to her childhood home in the state of Washington.

Blessings to all as we recall our many blessings this Thanksgiving season as they continue throughout the year. Thanks for the memories.

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