Monday, June 29, 2009


In addition to volunteer work you may be able to do for your church as well as other community organizations there is yet another way to bring help to a sometimes forgotten group of people. Perhaps we feel they are already cared for by other organizations. Edgar Cayce Canada has a prison library book program called, "The Inside Connection," that has contacted 100 prison facilities and mailed book packages to them. The current book package consists of: "There is a River," by Thomas Sugrue, "Your Life, Why It Is The Way It Is And What You Can Do About It," by Bruce McArthur, "The Art of Falling in Love With Your Time On Earth," by Mannie Billig and "Soul Growth Issues, Soul Grief Choices," by Fred Rawlins.

"It has been rewarding to communicate with prison officials across Canada. Most of the prison personnel are receptive and welcoming of these efforts," says Glenys Cook, Prison Library Book Program Coordinator for Edgar Cayce Canada. "Occasionally I am aware of negative energy a telephone answerer has projected but I try again in a few weeks after praying about it, and the telephone person is usually much more gracious about it. I seek to listen carefully from information gleaned from many different sources and prison officials who are aware of what the system needs and what would be most beneficial to the inmates in their care. It helps us with on-going program change and development. I recently spoke with a chaplain at a large institution in southern Ontario who stated, 'I am going to take your books to an upcoming Prison Chaplaincy Seminar.' There are plans for special institutions to take care of the needs of the young offender who need special love and care. Edgar Cayce Canada encourages people to continue membership in their own churches and some Study Groups can become more active within this worthwhile prison program and become supporters of it as well," adds the coordinator, Glenys Cook. Call, toll free l-866-322-8209 for further information and learn about ways you can help.

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