Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I was just reading an item about the making of a film called "The Beautiful Dreamer," Edgar Cayce, the man who could diagnose and treat people's health problems from a distance. He was so afraid he might harm someone with the wrong advice, he and his wife kept quiet about it. Dr. Norman Shealey became interested and became the founder and president of the Holistic Medical Association. After Cayce's story appeared in a national magazine, he was flooded with requests from people with their health problems. More than a dozen mail bags began to arrive each day. He asked for no fees because he thought healing was a gift from God and was able to made a living for his family as a photographer. He taught Sunday School classes at a Presbyterian church. His wife hired a stenographer who took down the information in shorthand and was able to leave a legacy of over nine thousand treatment suggestions. He died from overwork in the early 1940's at the age of 67. His biography called "There is a River", is available in most libraries.

This evening I was talking to a friend who is being treated for cancer, and I wondered what the treatment for cancer was in the early l900s. Cayce had much advice about preventing cancer which included an alkaline diet. The Cayce balance given was eighty percent alkaline foods, which included most vegetables and fruits. The other twenty percent were to be the acid foods, the proteins like chicken, fish, nuts, beans, dairy and meat, but very little pork. All preservatives were classed as very harmful. He recommended buying a vegetable juicer to encourage the use of uncooked foods more often. I didn't realize they had vegetable juicers in the l930s.

Cayce also recommded eating almonds every day saying "those who would eat two or three almonds each day need never fear cancer." I haven't seen this film or where it is being shown, the phone number is 1-800-333-4499.

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