Friday, June 26, 2009


A birthday gift was waiting at GiGi's house for JK to finish celebrating her fourth birthday. It's hard sometimes to work in all birthday events which had included a party at home for friends her age on the weekend closest to her June 8th birthday.

"We're redecorating your home," announced TK, the mistress of ceremonies, and the experienced hands of three experts took over in the persons of Ladies in waiting, TK, JK, and MK. All the stuffed animals were "re-gifted" by MK to the adults in the room. The birthday girl received a metal money box that rattled. Plenty of scarves and colorful fabrics kept changing places until each one was placed just right in a perfect position. Other colorful fabrics decorated the large rocker that almost instantly became a throne and GiGi was invited to be the queen. A pretty heady moment indeed for GiGi as she basked in the pleasure of her three ladies in waiting who bowed in her presence.

But almost as quickly as she was crowned all the fancy trappings were snatched away and before she realized it the queen was dethroned and a younger and prettier queen was crowned and sat upon the throne. It was best anyway, I reminded the children since the new queen was already queen of the castle in their home and she looked beautiful indeed, just like a real queen.

The birthday girl presented me with a picture taken on her fourth birthday and it has its place beside the others in our gallery. While MK was walking on the chesterfield (as soon as they arrive they always remove their shoes) she spotted the picture of seven family members and pointed saying "Grandpa." I think the thought was "There's our Mr. Fixit man." Then we retired downstairs to the Lounge and played shuffle board. The voice of the limo driver played by Daddy announced the limousine was ready to leave. With hugs all around the party was over and away they went. GiGi returned to her silent, newly decorated home, that left treasured memories for her memory box.

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