Saturday, January 24, 2009


It's always interesting to pick up a science magazine that lists some real numbers about a current subject of interest, especially when it concerns longevity. We all want to live a long and healthy life. Let's check out the numbers - knowing how to add and subtract is the main requirement..

The average life expectancy in U.S. is currently 76.9 years.

Add, for: Being a woman . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6
No smoking . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0
Body Mass Index between l9 and 24 . . 6.0
No street drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.5
No more than one alcoholic drink a day, average . 3.0
Exercise at least 7 hours per week . . . . 6.0
Average age for a woman 102 years
Average age for a man 98.4 years
But if you're a married man, add 2.6 years
This brings the average male life to the same as a woman l02 years
Marriage does not help women live longer!

Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (who is the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association, and the director of the Shealy Wellness Center in Springfield, Missouri, as well as Holos University Graduate Seminary) has a way of adding another 39 more healthy years of living, increasing life expectancy to l41 years. Here's how:
Keep your DHEA level healthy - consult your doctor for details . . l3 years
Keep your calcitonin level optimal - your doctor has details . . . . 13 years
Keep your free radicals low - consult your health professional . . . 13 years

Health professionals and nutritionists will tell you that plenty of organic foods, green leafy vegetables (plenty of green smoothies) fruits, fish and chicken should be used. That will take care of a lot of those free radicals. Until I learn more about the DHEA and calcitonin levels I won't give myself those 26 points but will give myself 13 points for keeping free radicals low and will wind up with ll2 years.
I lost 3 points because of the lack of enough exercise. He says that smoking, overeating, and inactivity along with anger, guilt, depression and anxiety contribute significantly to poor health. The above figures are taken from Dr. Shealy's guest column in Venture Inward Jan/Feb '05,Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061.

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