Monday, June 16, 2008


Will you be here Christmas with family and me?
"I remain in the forest, discolored, come see.
Can't join you at Christmas, I'm dangerous now,
But still want to cheer you, and I'll tell you how.
Come to my forest and bring a chain saw,
We all must come down, 'cause thats safety's law."
I give you my bole to make Christmas gifts,
A little red wagon would give you a lift,
Use me to build houses, tables and things,
Making new treasures, like those Santa brings,
But you must come quickly, we're hazards here,
Forest fires could burn all after two years."
Destroying your homes and even your cars,
Computers and i-pods, restaurants and bars,
We've died but created good wood that turns blue,
Come quickly my friend, we'll partner with you.
Learning new skills, like a Masters Degree,
Creating new lives, for both you and me."
Years past we provided the air that you breathe,
Now in great agitation, together we seethe.
Our "Best place on Earth" is closing its Mills,
Your minds and your hands could help with YOUR skills.
We all need a home, so let's work together,
We'll warm you or cool you in all kinds of weather."
No need to be homeless, we still have these gifts,
A way to recycle while practicing thrift.
Please speak to your leaders, they'll honor this plan,
All working together, each woman and man."

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