Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today the sun had already melted the thin skiff of snow that arrived during the night but had melted by midmorning today. But it is a different story in many northern areas of the world. In Longjiang’s northeast east China, part of the river froze so fast that the lorries were able to cross from Russia to China that led to a temporary boom in trade. In Ciuedad Juarez, Mexico life-sized carved statues of horses poised in flight showed icicles hanging high from upraised tails and mane depicting speed as well as change. Al Gore’s blog showed climatic changes in many areas of the world climate. Chicago, Illinois scenes took the eye many miles showing deserted cars in all lanes of the state highway that had to be closed.

But here at Carrington’s Vernon, B.C. senior’s home we are wondering why the sectioned grapefruit or sliced oranges did not appear as usual on the counter lineup at morning’s Continental Breakfast - that is available between 7:00 and 9:00 AM. Perhaps the food delivery truck didn’t get across the southern border. The cold cereals are always there. Even the large bowl of yogurt was missing one day, but the coffee urn is always present along with various choices of tea, and the milk for the cereals. With my lactose sensitivities I can bring my own soy or nut milks. The same goes for the gluten-free bread needed for a supper sandwich. We appreciate the kindness of the chefs and those permitting these irregularities, and sometimes write them a little note of thanks. I am glad to buy the extra food items I require for health reasons. Since I decided to give up my car when I turned 85, my former neighbor (for a dozen years) tells me to contact her when I run short of these items that can be purchased at health food stores here in town and kept in my freezer. This is another reason to REQUIRE legal papers be signed when students need help to pay the interest on tuition fees, and have expressed their intention to fill the need for doctors and other health-related jobs with Canada’s desperate need to fill so many openings. Canada has imported over 100 doctors from South Africa and other countries.

The clock tells me it is 3:30 with the sun still shining so I am booting up for a long walk around the building. I send blessings to all and trust each one will be cautious and able to avoid the loose snowpacks that can lead to an avalanch.

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