Saturday, January 16, 2010


A clip on the CBC radio this morning reminded us that when we send donations in for the Haiti Earthquake Fund using texting equipment, callers should wait for the confirmation message or it may not be sent. Sometimes your local church provides an opportunity to forward donations for urgent needs by including a separate cheque in with your regular gift envelope. For confirmation of this possible option call your church first. The telephone numbers of all churches are listed in the phone book.

The same all-purpose prayer suggested in my yesterday’s blog could be used to send emotional help to the people of Haiti with a slight change: “I pray for those suffering in Haiti that their troubles be greatly diminished as continuing help arrives and fill them with hope and joy.” There have been remarkable stories of survival in CBC radio news clips today. An 18 month baby named Winnie was carefully dug from a pile of rubble and showed no major harm. Her parents were not found but she was handed to her uncle who will be able to make contact with any other family members that may yet be found.

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