Tuesday, January 12, 2010


According to the American College of Rheumatology up to six million Americans suffer from some form of this disorder. Sleep disturbance, past injury, infection, metabolic changes in muscle and protracted stress are considerations. Its close anatomical relation to the spine, and abnormalities in the nervous system have been postulated as a cause of fibromyalgia.

Medical treatments include recommendations for such aerobic exercise as swimming and walking, heat and massage treatments, sleep aids, physical therapy and relaxation techniques with guided imagery are all helpful.

“The liver and kidneys are akin to the body’s storage battery, with the liver serving as the positive pole and the kidneys as the negative,” says John R. Bomar, a chiropractic physician. “When these organs are deficient in function, the body’s storage battery is said to be run down and a heavy leadened feeling can result. The inner atmosphere of the body influences its vitality and strength. Scientific studies increasingly confirm this view. For maximum energy, health and wellness, vegetables and fruits should make up the great majority (70-80) of what we eat. Good quality local whole grains, seeds, nuts and oils, dairy and lean meats should make up the other percentage of food taken. This produces an anti-inflammatory effect and creates an alkalized internal atmosphere that discourages invasion and reproduction of human pathogens. Human biochemical processes require hydrogen and sufficient water. I find that very few of my patients consume sufficient water and use colas or coffee instead. “Water is medicine” is my advice to these patients, a cleansing diet, salads, raw celery and bran all act as a scrub brush going through the gut and cleaning the walls of accumulated waste. Further details in a future blog.

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