Sunday, May 31, 2009


The first prayer our parents
taught we children was:

"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray Thee Lord, my soul to keep,
If I should die before I wake,
I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take."

We were then encouraged to continue
with: God bless. . naming members
of family and friends. This prayer was said
aloud after the coal oil lamp was extinguished
or at least the wick turned low.

I'm giving you my adult version of the
same prayer, directing it to the Creator of
all life as taught to us by our parents.

"Please guide my thoughts and prayers today,
That I may walk in loving ways,
Bringing cheer to those in need,
And with each smile share kindly deeds.
As flowers bloom in my tree of life,
May each one help to banish strife.

Forgiveness, may I bear its fruit,
Its essence shared from top to root.
With voice and act, Heaven's "Rule of Gold,"
Each word and act, Each day unfolds,
To share with all within my sphere,
These fruits of Heaven while living here."

Then its nice to bundle together all planetary life
with those who may ask mention for a specific need.
The light within hearts speeds each prayer along its way.

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