Saturday, May 30, 2009


The CBC radio interviewed a writer who has assembled the names of all the restaurants across the country who are able to safely offer meals to customers who have celiac disease. Celiacs are not able to handle foods that contain gluten. This includes wheat, barley or rye. Wheat, especially seems to be in so many of the processed foods and until recently those suffering from celiac disease found themselves limited in making plans to travel and able to find a restaurant with gluten free foods. Now they will be able to look up the places that are ready to serve foods for celiacs by looking it up in this book before they leave on vacation or travel for other reasons. This book may be available in your local library so you can check it out first. Here is the website:

1 comment:

Ellen said...

The Celiac Scene™ is owned and operated by celiacs whose first priority is safety. Received a warm welcome from the establishments listed on this site and never feel anxious again about asking for a celiac-friendly meal. A free service for celiacs and anyone wanting gluten-free options. Thanks for getting the word out! Coming to a city near you!