Sunday, April 12, 2009


Although there is a wide gap or void in America created by the official separation of church and state, most Americans are united unofficially by their belief in, and pursuit of, some form of spiritual reality. Thus concludes Roger Housden in his book, Sacred America: The Emerging Spirit of the People (Simon & Schuster).

A spiritual tour guide and journalist, Housden traveled America exploring the citizenry and its spiritual dimension. Beyond the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, we have no nationally accepted sacred text, yet he found evidence everywhere, in a variety of forms, that America is a place of spiritual innovation. Although shifting from dogmatic theologies, Americans are continually re-inventing spirituality, turning it to commercial advantage for the marketplace, making it work in today's world. This ties us together in the very diversity of the expression of the spirit, something he believes we are now on the verge of discovering.

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