Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Of travel, there is much advice, That comes in books and papers,
But most of all, draw up a plan, For every little caper.
Some airline tickets, once I bought, To save on the commission,
I skipped the travel agent's fee, And that was an omission.

I laid them on the baggage desk, Claim check took, then waited,
I should have handed her just one, For two bags, not inflated.
Then rushed to get our boarding pass, "Two tickets, where's the other?"
We left it with the baggage girl, "Then you must buy another."

No names were on the tickets, As with an agency,
"You'll have to wait a year, no less, If finders used it, See?"
There's nothing like a ticket lost, To spoil a Christmas trip,
So watch each movement carefully, To keep from getting gypped.

'Twas great to spend the Christmas with, Our Texas family,
We thought our grandson wonderful, Forgot the tickets fee.
They took us to the center where, Astronauts explained,
About their work and further trips, That brought the country fame.

"We'll answer questions if you wish," The speaker told the crowd.
Guess whose hand first shot up? Our grandson's (7), Gramps was proud.
I wrote the airline several times, And asked about our claim.
One Year passed, they sent a cheque, Made out in my name.

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