Saturday, November 3, 2012


    The high acidity of sports drinks can do serious damage to your teeth.  According to a recent study of 22 such drinks like Red Bull Sugar Free and Rock star are especially acidic   Rinsing with water or chewing sugarless gum immediately may mitigate some of the damage. 

    Some researchers in Sweden examined other health care eating and drinking habits.  According to a study of 75,000 adults, age 45 and older, published in the July 2012 issue of the journal STROKE found that those who ate the most low-fat dairy (about four servings a day) were 12 percent less likely to suffer a stroke over a 10 year period than those who ate no low fat dairy products.

    In a recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers analyzed 77 older women with self-reported memory problems and the low scores on an objective assessment on a trial of cognitive function.  They were assigned to one of three exercise regimens lifting weights twice a week for an hour, walking outside as a control, doing balance and stretching exercises.  After six months the weight lifters performed better on memory and other mind tests than both the walkers and stretchers.

    Anxiety is common with arthritis and that can carry on into depression, according to a survey of l793 adults with arthritis and other rheumatic problems published in the Arthritis Care and Research journal.  Thirty one percent reported anxiety, 18 percent reported depression and 15 percent said they had both conditions.  Only half of those affected sought help.  Perhaps a gentle start at weight lifting might add some enthusiasm. 

    There is space here for one more health-building item if you are taking antibiotics.  Consider adding probiotics.  Varying doses of the good-for-you bacteria were linked with a 42 percent lower risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in a review of 63 studies in the May 9, 2012, Journal of the American Medical Association.  More research is needed to determine which strain of probiotics helps the most. 



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