Saturday, November 10, 2012


    According to Joseph Schwartzer, M.D., anyone can learn to radiate love and if everyone would start sending out love energy, the effects would multiply exponentially and eventually transform the whole world into a better place.  As a premature newborn he caught an infection from a nurse who had come to work with a strep throat.  He was saved from death with penicillin and oxygen and spent time in an incubator.  Since he had no memory of the experience himself, he wonders if he may have had a near-death experience because of subsequent dreams even as a small child.  At nearly four years of age he awoke one night and found himself floating down the stairs to the basement of the house and could see clearly yet the house was in darkness.  In his speech he told us of other experiences where he could be asleep at night, yet become fully awake and find himself in a beautiful park with perception heightened beyond a normal waking state and could see and sense the grass and speak to others in the park.  Once he encountered a group of children whose leader seemed to be in his early teens and telepathically invited him to join them and offered a bottle of Coke. Feeling cautious he declined since it was an unusual situation.  Not long after on another occasion, he awoke the middle of the night lying on his back in bed and arose from his physical body.  He felt a falling sensation like the heart may have skipped a beat and then fell back to sleep after a jolt.  “It had been difficult, like walking under water and easier to float above the land,” Dr. Schwartzer continued while speaking as a board member of the American Medical Society of the state of Virginia.  He was also a recipient of an exemplary psychiatric award.  

    “Later, when I was 21 years old and attending college I had been at a group meeting one evening.  As I was walking across the campus I decided to silently bless everyone I passed and started to mentally send out positive energy and realized it was actually the energy of love itself.  It was agape type unconditional love energy without any sexual, personal or objective components or attachments.  Others seemed to respond, and be more friendly and relaxed, resulting in more patience, calmness, and being more even tempered, and cheerful.  I had heard Dr. Ritchie speak at a conference who told us of his near-death experience and had met Jesus Christ, whom he described as a being of love and light who radiated so much pure and unconditional love that anyone who felt it would not want to leave its presence and it is God’s will that everyone would evolve into such a being.  For further information call 1-866-322-8209, Canada or 1-333-4499 (U.S.

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