Monday, November 26, 2012


     Is it Alzheimer’s or just normal ageing and how to distinguish the difference by understanding how our digestive systems work together to make nourishment available for each body system to successfully absorb this nourishment.  Enzymes keep our system’s workers busy and happy.  These enzymes work together with tools provided with the cooperation and motion of jaws and teeth.  Each has its own perfect system working together with the help of these tools.  Let’s say we are making toast for breakfast.  To begin with the ingredients have been assembled which include the whole grains, yeast, fluid and raisins and perhaps a little honey to “tune it up” the system.  Last week a news item carried the story of a man who was trying to prove he was the fastest eater.  But he did not use his required “tooth and jaw” tools and the ambulance had to rush him to the hospital for help and this time was able to live through it.  The key solution was the enzyme needed by the digestive system with the action of tooth and jaw tools. 

     You may wonder from where the enzyme ingredient came.  You were likely sleeping at the time the stomach was whipping up this ingredient to have it ready for the next day.  They had their own little tummy crew working together during the night to provide the proper mix for the following days absorption of nourishment.  Now we have come to the secret storehouse that the body’s system has ready to be released when needed.  There is also another system being readied and it is sometimes referred to as the emotional system.  No wonder this system is one that is referred to in ancient scriptures as being “fearful and wonderfully made.”  The silent and helpful soul waits for your decision for each final action. 

     We come now to the basic food systems that are raised in gardens, orchards and other provisions found in oceans and grasslands.  This is sometimes called the “Mediterranean Diet,” to provide basic all-purpose nutrients for both mind and body.  You’ve heard of them all before, The Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamins B6, B12, sage and turmeric to stave off depression.  Even coffee and chocolate have been resurrected when used in moderation.  Other behaviours enter the scene such as eating breakfast within about 90 minutes of waking to keep blood sugar steady and not skipping meals as well as drinking enough fluid to prevent dehydration.  In a study of athletes, it was found that even mild dehydration can alter game team’s results that can lead to a negative mood.   

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