Tuesday, January 10, 2012


   The above title was the answer given by a health professional who was responding to my question, “Have you found your training in acupuncture treatments to be helpful for your patients who were trying to overcome smoking cigarettes or someone facing an obesity problem, and have you treated such patients?  The answer was “Yes” on both counts.  “There are three health professionals in Vernon who offer acupuncture treatments and have helped many patients, but the final result is the strength of the resolve the patient makes to make it a priority and put it into practice in everyday life - carrying out this resolution at home, work and play.”

   The CBC radio had a segment on this topic, early this year, on January, 5, 2012.  The medical doctor being interviewed recommended that his listeners would resolve to make the needed changes in life to improve their health, the wisdom to make the decision and then be able to enjoy the wealth that would follow, which would include the money spent on cigarettes and unhealthy fattening foods that may have become habit forming.

   “Don’t dawdle” seems to be a good catch phrase.  Procrastination is almost universal – 95% of people admit to doing it.  Here is the success story of a 46 year old caseworker who saw the scales tipping at almost 250 pounds and applied for bypass surgery but doctors suggested a traditional weight loss method first.  Angry at first for being turned down, a portion-controlled, balanced-eating plan was begun.  Three weeks later 10 pounds were lost, and three weeks later the scales showed a total of 25 pounds were gone.  When inclement weather for outdoor walking to work is not possible home exercise equipment can be used or one can join a group to encourage one another.  To avoid calorie-laden fast food, a lunch for work with a whole grain chicken or fish sandwich was recommended with no calorie laden sugar drinks was chosen.  At 5’6” the heaviest weight reached was 295 pounds with a height of 5’6” and after 4 years now weighs 157 pounds.

    A weight loss group can be inspiring for some where small goals regularly inspire one to stick with it.  “We turned to prayer instead of food,” reported two friends who joined the “Weigh Down Method (WDM) using biblical teaching to help participants be mindful about their eating habits, rather than approaching diets as a mathematical equation - switching from food to faith.  “Now when I feel stress I pray instead,” commented one participant.  Over two years 80 pounds were lost and it has remained steady for 9 years.



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