Thursday, January 12, 2012


   At Rhode Island Hospital’s Disease and Memory Disorder’s Center, researchers have made a surprising discovery about fish oil and the brain.  Not only does fish oil improve cognitive function but MRIs showed that study subjects who took the supplement for three years had larger brains than those who did not.  I had begun to think that my brain was slowing down a bit.  One Christmas Day a new friend told me that she had started taking Norwegian Salmon Oil and GLA and found how that combination made a great team for good health in general.  Extra information on the bottle added, “To Promote Cardiovascular, Joint, Brain and Vision Health.” 

   If you have any symptoms showing the brain is slowing down or any other of these challenges why not give yourself a special gift for your birthday or Easter gift, or for any other special occasion.  My brain has worked quite well for 88 years so why not give it a little boost of thanks.  Perhaps our glasses lens will need to be changed and all those other benefits like improving your memory as well as promoting joint health. 

   At this moment I am thinking of “sugar-savages” who love to attack your life boat.  Food marketers are touting fancy soft drinks and snack foods made with “real cane sugar”.  Are they better than their shelf mates?  No, says Dr. Christine Gerdstadt, M.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. “Extensive research shows there are no differences among the common sweeteners when it comes to increasing obesity, hunger or metabolic syndrome,” she says.  So limit those sweet treats no matter what gives them that sugary kick.  Adding the total amount of all other sweeteners, the average Americans eats one hundred pounds per year.

   At one time Greek yogurt was the rage but held a hidden fat trap for the unwary.  The full fat version packs 29 grams of fat, about as much as two McDonald’s cheeseburgers.  The low fat kind of yogurt protein is just as thick as the original.  Add walnuts for omega 3s.  Mix up a yogurt smoothie with unsweetened frozen blueberries and sweeten with piece of banana.

   Here’s the best part of all, “Satisfying the Soul.”  As you slide under the night covers include a prayer of thanks to your indwelling soul for helping the taste buds each day to understand your decision to add years to your life and life to your years.


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