Monday, July 6, 2009


Interesting isn't it, the many ways our bodies use to try teach us. I am just listening to the CBC radio program, "Tapestry" about dreams and how souls and minds work together to get us to pay attention. On the program a teacher tells about the problem of getting through to his students and maintaining order in the classroom. Then a dream comes to him where he enters the classroom and instead of taking charge as usual, he sits among the students. There are a number of meanings to select from this dream. Perhaps the students have something to teach him.

The program "Tapestry" broadcast reports on the book "The Real World of Dreams" This program can be heard again on

The latest lesson I am being shown is to move more slowly, and not have to zip around and think I must squeeze in one more job for the day. Rushing around isn't really necessary, especially after one has completed three quarters of a century plus ten. I feel better already as this reminder has started taking root. I think of others who have set an example to me. Right now it is of my sister-in-law who moves quietly and gently around her home and things get completed with seeming ease and grace. I'll make "Grace" my word for today. Please remember to tune in again to Tapestry's program of July 5, 2009, with more of the story on dreams.

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