Monday, March 16, 2009


Through his synthesis of science and spirituality, Gregg Braden offers a positive, life-affirming message of hope. In his book, "The Isaiah Effect," Gregg Braden explores the difference that can result when a global vigil of prayer takes place. Eighty four nations coordinated a prayer for peace through the World Wide Web - it was called "A Prayer Window." Unknown to the rest of us, the United States had given the order to commence the bombing runs in Iraq in response to the breakdown of UN inspections. U.S. war planes were dispatched. During the Prayer Window, President Clinton gave an unprecedented order for those war planes to stand down, to essentially return to their bases with all the weapons, all the ordnance intact.

Military historians say it makes absolutely no sense for that order to have been given. Manpower, equipment, and money had been spent to put everything in place. As a scientist, I could say that it was just a coincidence. At the time Clinton was going through domestic turmoil. Earlier, 25 U.S. cities asked to have certain kinds of prayer and meditation, and emotions were in place. In cities like Chicago, the stock market soared during the time researchers were calling for the Prayer Window. When people stopped the emotion, meditation and prayer, the statistics reversed. During another prayer window, treaties were signed in Belfast, where there had been a breakdown in the language for completing the treaties. We can't say those war planes were turned around because of a prayer, but there is a high coordination between these two events. "I believe that we know enough to begin applying what we know now to the events that are unfolding in our world today," Gregg Braden added.

Braden tells us that Quantum physics now gives us a scientific framework within which we can understand this relationship. The Great Isaiah Scroll, (the only complete and intact document found among the Dread Sea Scrolls) offers the principles and give very precise instructions in terms of how to apply them in our lives. Many of the ancient texts had parts edited out and reserved for elite priesthoods in mystery schools. It is not about forcing things to happen but becoming the life-affirming principles of peace - in our lives, in the presence of our families, in our community, in our schools, and in our world. As it becomes that in our daily lives individually it brings transformation. This creates compassion and kindness in our highly competitive society. The world will mirror back to us this very subtle principle. "My feeling is that we are now collectively at a global choice point. Where we come out on the other side in being determined by what we become in our lives right now, as individuals and collectively. Do we have the wisdom to recognize what to do with the time that it buys us, it is our choice," he concluded.
Conference speaker:

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