Sunday, March 8, 2009


An emerging trend in American spirituality is the home-grown church, according to an article in the Christian Science Monitor.

Sometimes it is a start of a new church, with a few people gathering in the minister's home until enough people are coming to move to a larger setting. In many other cases, it is a group of friends meeting in someone's home for a book discussion and prayer, with refreshments served.

People are moving away from institutions and are seeking more personal participation and a sense of connection with others. They are creating spiritual families in these gatherings. Sometimes the motivation is to break out of the doctrinal boundaries of the established religions. For others it is a chance to personalize and internalize their religion's teachings.

Statistics are few, but here are two examples: During the most recent year for which data was compiled, followers of the best-selling Conversations with God series have created upwards of l60 home-based "Humanity's Team" gatherings here in the U.S. According to a Gallop poll, half of America's participatory Christians meet in small group ministries, either at the church or in member's homes.

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