Tuesday, September 23, 2008


First day, I saw Mom's lovely face, Felt warm and loving arms embrace,
More faces came, my family fair, When needed, one was always there.
They cooed and pleasant faces made, With smiles, and help to give first aid,
When'er I beckoned, Mom was there, To feed me, change my underwear.

A fairy princess I became, Heard kindly words and then my name.
And neighbors came and listened long, As parents praised in word and song.
Each tiny feature, they declared, A marvel was, as each was bared,
A special person I must be, I grandly thought; look they picked me!

From where, I neither cared nor knew, With love and nourishment I grew,
And then I thought a game I'll try, For more attention - start to cry.
These people must my servants be, Come, spend your time with only ME.
With helpless sounds, I'd call Mom's name, A tiny tyrant I became.

Then later, other sounds I heard, 'Twas "Discipline" - a brand new word.
Translated meant to be aware, Of others, for their needs and care.
This knowledge meant both work and fun, Together make the family one.
Each sharing, all with willing hands, And harmony for family's band.

I grew - a new world opened wide, Community, with family pride,
They said to care about them all, Be ready when the weak ones fall.
An adult now, with challenged days, To make life count in every way,
To others, and myself be true, We ALL are one, to share anew.

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