Monday, September 1, 2008


It is amazing how often I tune into a Blog that has the exact advice I need for that moment. (By the way the Funk and Wagnalls spell it "advise" U.S. For example the man who told how he fixed the hoof of his horse. I'm not expecting to purchase a horse any time soon but it was so interesting to read the details and feel how great it must have been for that horse to not have to be loaded up and travel over a possibly bumpy road to a vet. Same with "Cicero Sings" Blog - who told of a substitute item that would work for a recipe.

A family gathering can come up with needed advice as well. A valued relative commented, "I like your 'up to date postings' more than your research into 'Sayings of Sages' of by-gone days." I told myself he had a point to ponder - after all he had been a teacher at an interior university for decades. My memory had recorded a sage as "a wise counselor, venerable in judgment, showing wisdom and prudence." Nowhere did it say they had to be deceased.
I then realized I had been living next door to one for seven years. You can read more about her in my posting of August 24th. There will no doubt be more current items in future postings. Perhaps I had been concerned that a member of parliament whom I had admired because of his values, might sometimes vote the opposite way to please his boss and my idol prove to have feet of clay.

My son, who helped me set up my Blog gave this advice when I asked him, "Just write whatever is in your heart to say." When speaking to his son (who is my grandson of course) he laughed and said, "That sounds like my Dad alright, a man of few words."

Bye now, thanks and keep those wise words coming.

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