Tuesday, September 30, 2008


From the ocean of infinity, As time and tides roll on,
They dipped therefrom a cup of life, A mortal body donned.
And chose a life of learning, To blend in earthly time,
To taste the fruits of mortal life, The challenge - the sublime.

And searched for life's deep meaning, Unwrapped each moment there,
The challenges and triumphs met, Each making more aware.
How hearts might beat together, And share the joys of life,
Cooperation - kindnesses, Avoiding tribal strife.

To blend all lives together and, Make each person count,
The rich, the needy, all to learn, Life's problems to surmount.
A partner to share one's life, Joins in the earthly quest,
Together learning, ever new, That God's will is the best.

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