Monday, September 22, 2008


Behold a great mountain, Majestic in height,
A challenge in daylight, And a mystery at night,
A joy through the seasons, Its secrets unfold,
New life springs eternal, With beauty untold.

This gift ours to treasure, And climb with delight,
Walk through its great forests, View snow caps of white,
Tune into its grandeur, Its spirit and power,
Its message unspoken, As it becomes ours.

We're one with this mountain, Its river and falls,
That starts as a dewdrop, We're part of it all.
To change with the ages, Again to renew,
Its spirit forever, Steps forward anew.

These lyrics have been set to music.
Also the September 17th Blog
called "The Guide" has been set to music.

Any voices out there who are interested in
singing or someone who plays the guitar
for family sing-alongs? If it fits into your
program or something you'd like to pursue
further, enter a COMMENT that is shown
at the end of each blog posting.

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