Tuesday, September 16, 2008


If you missed the first two chapters click on ARCHIVES on the right
side of this page, September 2nd chapter is called "Visitors in the Fall"
and the September 3rd chapter is titled "More e-Mail Messages"
Below is Chapter 3 "More Mouse Messages" for today.

Kels wonders now, 'Is Michael mouse, While dozing in his den,
Dreaming of that soft fur coat, Inside where Mike had been.
And plans to go to trail's end, And tiptoe to the light,
Where he had gained an entrance once, That filled him with delight.'

Kelsey was suspicious and, Sniffed at trail's end,
He wasn't sure which mouse it was, Thought Mike was in his den.
By day Mike acted like a friend, But planned to get inside.
He filled his mind with secret plans, That needed cohort guides.

Mike's plan, 'Buddies scratching doors, The dog would run to see,
Then I'll zoom past them down the hall, And in her bedroom be.
I'll chew some holes, take them home, Share with our mafia friends,
So when we need some help from them, They'll owe us a lend.

So he checked with mafia mouse, "You say it's a mink coat?
In his mind he said - thrumm... 'We could use that for our boat.'
I'll chew small holes bring you some, And learn to be your friend,
So when we need some help from you, Resources we can blend.

Kels knew a smart computer man, The master of their house,
Please hack in Mike's computer brain, Is he a mafia mouse?
His master warned, now I must know, It must be done for good.
Dishonesty or cheating will, Make you like them - a hood.

Mike mouse could be a rascal and, Simply using me,
To get himself inside our home, Looks like that could be.
Michael's thinks, 'I won't need all, Just parts of her fur coat.'
I'll keep the special softest parts, Take some for mafia folk.'

Tune in next week to see if Michael Mouse carries out his plan.

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