Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sorry little mousie but, You can't live inside,
Rules here say that all must work, To you I will confide,
Your habits of housekeeping are, Really not the best,
All must learn to keep the rules, Unless invited guests.

I know you'll say, "It's Mother's fault, She never showed me how,"
But all who live inside must learn, Or live out with the cows.
I tried that too, it didn't work, I know a mouse can learn,
Stand by the door, Mom lets us out, Then board and room we earn.

My mistress likes to keep things clean, Then she is happy here,
If you sneak around and steal again, You're right out on your ear.
I saw you limp back to the barn, The weather's nicer now,
Your mother will take care of you, Just try, she'll show you how.

So now you have another chance, Remember what I said,
We'll warn you with the rules to three, Then you're pitched out on head.
When you cheat, it's really lying, And life becomes so sad,
Like we learn in Sunday School, But mainly Mom and Dad.

Will Mister Mousie change his ways, Or sneak around again?
Or like the doggie learn to change, Or stay in mousie den.
More mouse mail next week.

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