Friday, August 23, 2013


New research shows that an ancient therapy can significantly decrease pain.  Cupping, a close cousin of acupuncture, involves placing glass cups on your body (on either the affected area or the acupuncture points used to treat it) to create suction.  It may sound odd but cupping reduced neck pain by an average of 45 % study from the University of Duisburg-Essen located in Germany.  Further details are written by Stephanie Eckelkamp.

   The suction caused by cupping is meant to free up and balance the flow of qi (pronounced CHEE) or the energy in the body says Byn Clark, a licensed acupuncturist and diplomate of  Oriental Medicine. It also seems to improve blood circulation.  The practitioner creates suction either by burning the oxygen from the cup and removing the air with a valve.  Any bruises clear up within a week.  Many practitioners have treated many ailments with the cupping therapy, along with acupuncture, including sinus problems, high blood pressure, to treat pain, colds, asthma, hot flashes, arthritis, and painful or irregular periods.

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