Tuesday, November 8, 2011


   A Hawaiian study looking at the diet history of 582 people who had lung cancer and 582 without the disease found that people who ate the most apples, onions and white grapefruit had roughly half the risk of lung cancer than those who ate the least amounts of these foods.

    Roll back to my Blog dated October 29th called “Five each Day” which stated that eating just one serving of watermelon or pink grapefruit each day could reduce a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer by 82%.  It would be good to have both pink and white grapefruit on hand and eat one serving of both pink and white grapefruit each day to heal both kinds of cancer. 

    In another study, Finnish researchers found that men who consumed more quercetin were 60% less likely to have lung cancer than men with fewer intakes.  Basil laboratory studies suggest that compounds with basil will help disrupt the dangerous chain of events that can lead to cancer.  Basil’s ability to prevent cancer was not linked to one particular compound in the herb but instead to several compounds working together.  Basil is a rich source of antioxidants.  Per 100 grams it has more antioxidant content than dark chocolate, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries according to these researchers.  If you have a taste for this food at least you know you are helping yourself to an extra dose of antioxidants, of great benefit against an environment that has pollution, ultra violet light, radiation and car exhaust that vastly increases free radical production.

    Brazil nuts are very important to keep in mind also.  Eating just one of these nuts a day could help ward off colon cancer.  They are high in the trace mineral selenium and doctors at the University of Arizona found that men with high levels of selenium are six times less likely to develop colon cancer than men with low levels.

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